Break the Rule Stay in Control using leadership challenge # 1.
Map Someone’s Journey
This challenge is to show interest in how someone got here.​
It could be a friend, colleague, neighbor, or even a stranger.
The point is to express your genuine interest in how someone came to be doing what they're doing in the place that they're in.
Especially if someone is particularly skilled at something, ask them how they attained that degree of expertise and the journey they took to the place where they now offer their value to you.
Showing interest in a person's path is a powerful way of connecting to who they are, because you get to hear their story from their own point of view.
Mapping your own journey in response can be an equally potent way of building relationship, provided they're interested of course.
This challenge is to show interest in how someone got here.​
Ask somebody to connect the dots for you this week if you really want to get a true picture of a person.
Make Break a Rule an incredible tool for everyone.
Leave a comment about how you used this challenge, what you experienced, discovered, or learned.
Or let us know if you have a suggestion for how this challenge could be improved.