I Was Shocked, Lose Your Balance, What Are the Rules?—This Week's Challenges
Break a Rule Newsletter # 2
Thanks for being here & welcome to newsletter number 2
Breakarule.com is live!
And definitely a work in progress. There is so much work to do.
This week, I borrowed the time of a few generous friends to hop onto the site and let me watch over their shoulder via screen share so I could I see what it’s like for a new visitor to navigate the site.
I felt excited and confident, ready to watch them march along the exact path I’ve carefully designed as a user experience—and boy was I shocked!
They were all pretty much overwhelmed and lost within a few minutes.
So far, everyone has been intrigued by the overall concept, but I have a lot of work to do.
If you’re willing to stick around I promise to make it clear in time how you can most benefit from this site, which is both an assessment tool as well as a training platform, focused on one thing.
The practice of taking intelligent risks.
Our lives are just like this new project, a work in progress we have to be willing to share before it’s perfect, take the feedback, keep our sense of humor, and celebrate the process.
It’s the default of our human wiring to minimize risk. In many cases, this is super useful and exactly as it should be.
And yet, we routinely stop ourselves from engaging rich, vibrant, connected, and kick ass lives by letting the default pattern of seeking safety unconsciously sideline our full participation.
In a minute, I’ll share this week’s story, which is all about intentionally “losing our balance” in favor of growth.
Each week I’ll be:
helping you overcome fear, overthinking, and paralysis (FOP) by taking intelligent risks
sharing stories about taking risks and my adventures as a professional misbehaver
posting new risk-taking challenges that correspond to your target rule.
The Risk Finder Quiz is how you find out which rule you’ll most benefit from breaking (your target rule). If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, or can’t remember which rule you should be breaking, you can access the quiz right here.
This Week’s Story
What Are the 7 Rules?
In case you need a quick introduction (or reminder) about what these 7 rules are.
This Week’s Challenges
Every week, I’ll be posting and sharing a new set of 7 rule breaking challenges so that no matter which rule you’re focused on breaking, you’ll have a new fun way to stretch a little outside of your comfort zone.
For these first 3 newsletters I’m directing straight to the Challenge Library, where you’ll be able to access three sample challenges, whether you’re a paid or free subscriber. After the third newsletter I’ll posting brand new challenges to the library (but behind the paywall) for paid subscribers.
That’s it for this week
But if you’re thinking to yourself,
I need to surround myself with people who are growth-focused intelligent misbehavers!
Then send this newsletter to a few friends and expand your growth community.
"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself." -- Soren Kierkegaard