Break the Rule Be Independent using teamwork challenge # 2.
Ask for the Story
This challenge is to let yourself fall back into the lap of your childhood, and with as much innocence as you can allow, ask someone to tell you a story.​
I was out for dinner one night with an old friend and a few new ones.
I asked one of those new friends to elaborate on something she mentioned about her past.
She wound up telling a story that inspired me, lifted me up, and gifted me with an example of how to practice with an extremely challenging circumstance, which I also happened to be facing.
The same way a small child wants to be transported into a realm of imagination, possibility, and discovery, ask someone to tell you a story that has some magic or inspiration in it.
You probably already know who the good storytellers are in your life, or at work. But if you ask around, you might some new inspiring people.
Let yourself fall back into the lap of your childhood, and with as much innocence as you can allow, ask someone to tell you a story.​
To become independent of the need for stories, especially transformational ones, indicates more that we have given up, not that we have grown up.
Our thirst for worthy stories bonds us together, and transcends independence.
So the next time someone glosses over their life experience in a conversation, stop them, and just say, "Oh...tell me the whole story."​
Make Break a Rule an incredible tool for everyone.
Leave a comment about how you used this challenge, what you experienced, discovered, or learned.
Or let us know if you have a suggestion for how this challenge could be improved.